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U20 General Discussion / Re: Outboard HP size and bracket max weight
« Last post by Gregg Henning on July 19, 2024, 03:25:06 PM »
I have used a 5HP Nissan 2 Stroke on the bracket.  I do tie it forward to give extra support as it has a lot of torque.  It can plane the boat at 9 knots.
Team JUNTA would be interested in coming down. Have always wanted to do the regatta.

U20 General Discussion / Re: Outboard HP size and bracket max weight
« Last post by Mark Allen on July 11, 2024, 06:59:49 PM »
Hello Ryan,
  I just bought a 2.5 Suzuki. An upgrade from my 20 yr old 2hp 2 stroke Suzuki (Pepe).  So far I am very happy with it since it had a lot of pep and surly more reliable than Pepe. My only criticism is a small fuel tank. So frequent refueling will be necessary along with a easy to use gas can.

Mark Allen
Equipment & Sails for Sale / High Wind Backstay kit
« Last post by Jeff Kloppel on July 08, 2024, 06:56:09 PM »
Hello, I have a high wind kit that came with hull #153 that I bought last summer. I’m not planning on using it and wanted to see if anyone else is interested in it. I don’t know what they cost new so make a reasonable offer. Thanks
U20 Boat Maintenance & Care / Re: Cockpit Hatch
« Last post by Steve Shaw on July 05, 2024, 12:18:06 AM »
Not silicone.  Stick (pun intended) with an adhesive sealant like a Sika or 3M 4000, 4200 or Loctite PL Marine.
U20 Boat Maintenance & Care / Cockpit Hatch
« Last post by Mike Silverton on July 04, 2024, 10:52:36 PM »
I am installing a new cockpit hatch.  I've read two different bits of advice in the forums.  Seal it with silicone and seal it with Sikaflex.  What is the recommended product?

Thanks, Mike
U20 Regattas - Where, When & Who's Going! / Re: LBRW
« Last post by Steve Shaw on June 24, 2024, 09:13:29 PM »
Anyone on the fence about if this is a good regatta or not just check out these photos from this past weekend at Ullman Sails Long Beach Race Week.  Paste this into your browser.
U20 General Discussion / Re: PHRF Rating Hit for Nonstandard Bowsprit
« Last post by Glenn VanHeel on June 22, 2024, 07:07:27 PM »
138 here in so. Cal.
Consider yourselves lucky!
U20 General Discussion / Re: PHRF Rating Hit for Nonstandard Bowsprit
« Last post by Ryan Ericson on June 21, 2024, 03:43:33 AM »

Thank you for the comments and reassurance on the rating, there is not a ODR rating here. I was mostly surprised that the standard rating did not include the stock bowsprit and the fact that Bob's rating from the same PHRF fleet was different. Chief Handicapper reconsidered the rating he looked at ORC rated U20s with 13.2 as the JC. I now rate 162.

We will see how we do this Saturday racing against J/70s and Martin 242s in 10-15kts.

Kind Regards,

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