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U20 Regattas - Where, When & Who's Going! / Re: LBRW
« Last post by Travis Gregory on May 07, 2024, 10:13:07 PM »
Thanks for the report Glenn.  You look good on a J111!

The best venue for SD and the U20 is the South Bay Coronado Roads!  It sounds like they might do this next year for the Yachting cup as they try to replace the NOOD. 

Still like your idea of doing LBRW for a PCC.
U20 Regattas - Where, When & Who's Going! / Re: LBRW
« Last post by Steve Shaw on May 07, 2024, 04:25:44 PM »
Unless you're sailing inside in San Diego, it is a hell of a motor out to the ocean in a U20!  No thanks.
U20 Regattas - Where, When & Who's Going! / Re: LBRW
« Last post by Glenn VanHeel on May 07, 2024, 04:41:53 AM »
After a last minute cancelation I was asked to call tactics on a j111 for yachting cup hosted by San Diego yacht club. I am not a pro by any means. But the experience and venue is another nice option as the racing was on the ocean off Coronado roads. I'm not sure if this year's conditions was an anomaly or the Norms. I haven't done this regatta in about 20+ years. It's a 2 day event with Saturdays breeze in the 10-12 kt range and Sunday we saw 16-18 kts.
I write this as a viable option for early May and the U20 and San Diego are synonymous. There aren't many weekend events in SoCal anymore to make it worth travelling for out of towners and LBRW is one of the last 3 day events left.
BTW we didn't do do well as we got shish kabobed by a j122 at the top mark in the 2nd race that took out 1/3 of our wheel. Some ghetto repairs we were able to continue the rest of the regatta.
U20 Regattas - Where, When & Who's Going! / Re: LBRW
« Last post by Travis Gregory on May 05, 2024, 03:21:07 PM »
Looks like some momentum here.  What about LBRW for the Pacific Coast Championship in 2025?  Glenn can you be the boots on the ground for this?
U20 Photos! / Re: 156 in PHRF Race
« Last post by Travis Gregory on May 05, 2024, 03:18:45 PM »
Nice work Ron! 
U20 Photos! / 156 in PHRF Race
« Last post by Ron Dietel - on May 02, 2024, 05:50:51 AM »
In a recent PHRF pursuit race along the Ventura Coast, She-said-no finishing 1st of five boats, just 24 seconds ahead of a J-124. Great fun!
U20 Regattas - Where, When & Who's Going! / Re: LBRW
« Last post by Ron Dietel - on April 28, 2024, 04:57:28 AM »
I would be interested in a Long Beach area race. My U20 is in Ventura so not far away.
I would be interested if the class raced there. I have done CRW many times and love it.

Is there any interest from other U20s for this event in 2025? 

This is one of the premier regattas on the east coast (if not the country) with 180+ boats registered.  The nightly parties are legendary. So is the racing.  Based on the 2024 event, it's $525 ($425 if you register early) for entry, which includes all the parties and food. Entry fee comes with 2 passes to the after-parties.  Additional passes are $99.

The U20 is too small to sail in PHRF (boats must be 24 ft) so in order to get invited, we have to enter in as a one-design fleet (where the min size is 20ft).  That usually means we need 5 boats or more to be given an invitation.

It's a long way off and certainly there's enough time to plan.   Let's get the conversation started.

Opening Party, on USS Yorktown Goslings Rum Bar & PRO Meet & Great
Food and Live music.

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Daily Awards, Pro-Am, Goslings Rum Bar and Music

Awards, Chile, Hot Dogs, and Beverages on the USS Yorktown
U20 Regattas - Where, When & Who's Going! / Re: LBRW
« Last post by Steve Shaw on April 19, 2024, 02:11:22 PM »
So I ve heard through the grapevine that Helly Hansen/Sailing World race week was pulled from San Diego with plans to assume the role of title sponsor for LBRW knowing what a high class event it is.  However, our friends at Ullman Sails have been the title sponsor for many years now and still have two more years on their contract.  This should speek to the magnitude in which I say that this event should be a MUST on the U20 racing calendar.  If I end up leaving one of my boats out there, I would plan to fly out and do the regatta each year.  There is no reason y'all (southern term) reading this shouldn't be doing it!
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