Hi All,
Per Class rules, it is time for nominations for the Executive Board. The Executive Board appointed Nate Selsted, Steve Rose and Bob Aman as the Nominating Committee. Attached you will find there nominations for the 2010 through 2012 Executive Board.
1. The Executive Board shall appoint a nominating committee consisting of three Active Members of the
Class Association in good standing. Nominations shall be published at least three weeks prior to the Annual
Meeting. Any additional nominations from the membership must be received in writing (by mail, email or fax)
by the Secretary/Treasurer at least two weeks prior to the Annual Meeting. Voting will occur by ballot, along
with any other Amendments, to all Active Members of the Class, and the candidate(s) receiving the greatest
number of votes for each elective office will be elected.
Let this serve as the Official Notification prior to the Annual Meeting that will take place at the 2010 U20 North Americans.
Gregg Henning
U20 Class President