It was a great show. I'll post some pictures on the Facebook page when I download them from my camera. The boat was right at the east entrance to the show and next to the Last Chance Saloon so we got lots of exposure. We had a number of serious sailors who said the boat was on the top of their list and were glad that they had a chance to see one on display. Since we were listed in the program, one person came from Fresno and another from Redding to see the Ultimate 20 and some others they were considering. I made up about 100 brochures about the boat, had only 20 left at the end.
I kept a list of the very interested sailors and will be sending out to local owners to see about getting some prospects on their boat for a sail. Drew Harper, with Spinnaker Sailing, was across the way from the boat and provided lots of good insight and steered people to the boat. Tom Burden, David Woodside, and John Wolfe were the local owners who also volunteered to stand by the boat during the show and talk to interested sailors. Was a good opportunity to get our boat in front of about 12,000 people--even if they were just sitting outside the Last Chance Saloon having a beer!