Just an additional comment for anyone who may be dealing with a mast that is "out of column." I took the bent mast and had it in my garage. I used a winch in an attempt to "unbend" the mast by flexing it in the opposite direction. I was able to straighten it with pressure but when I relaxed the winch pressure, the mast would return to it's bent position. So I kept putting on a little more pressure each time (about 5 times) but the mast would always revert to it's bent shape. On about the 6th time, the mast snapped in two. Lesson learned, the aluminum mast will break before it can be "unbent." Lesson two... inspect the pins and their retaining clips periodically. The pin that came out is the one under the jib furler. You know the one you have to inspect by removing the little cover inside the cabin at the bow? That 2 minute "non-inspection" job has cost me BIG in terms of time, money, and dismasting in moderate winds... plus I lost the race against those pesky Holders in my club. That really makes me mad!