Like any change in the rules, as members understand the change and implications better we can always adjust. In the future, we should start this kind of discussion thread before the vote. I think everyone would find that helpful.
Tim, I think you or someone who sails in current should elaborate further on how the advantage would be derived so that others who may not understand can learn.
I think the original intent of the class rules on electronics was that folks would have speed and heading only. No other electronic help. Simplicity. I like it! Although I think Clay's point of modernizing is a good one as well.
I have thought about switching to a paddle wheel before this change came about because the velocitek is slow to respond to speed changes. I like to see speed changes when I tune the boat. On the flip side, I can't bring myself to drilling a hole in the bottom and won't be adding a paddle wheel.
I don't agree that it would be the same advantage as a new main sail. Maybe it would if I can't see what you are doing. We can test that if you come out to SF Bay to race with us at your next opportunity!

Interested to hear other thoughts on the topic.