Hi All,
A couple of weeks ago, I lifted my boat out of the water with a crane to do some bottom maintenance. The good thing is that I am still alive to write this. The bad news is that Goombay suffered some damage.
Inside the keel well is a backing plate made of G10... You will see a picture below. The two main bolts attaching the keel lifting post to the boat at the keel box is threaded into this G10. If you look to the left of the picture the 2 holes close to the edge is what was supporting the entire weight of the boat. No washers or nuts are in place (This is not through bolted ) The threads let loose and the boat fell. Luckily the boat was still over water and the deck stopped the boat from falling completely. The deck did take some damage but Goombay is being fixed.
Suggestion, if you use crane launching a lot, you may want to install an inspection port on the aft end of your keel box and put through bolts in place for safety.
You will also notice that the two holes that are in the middle are supposed to be for the inserts for the scotty bolts to be tapped into. These were never drilled in far enough.
The G10 Plate you see was just laying inside my keelbox as the adhesive was dry and brittle and just let loose.
I will take more pictures as the repairs continue.