Tim, thanks for your comments.
I am not sure that I can describe this well, but here goes.
My current class spinnaker was original to the boat, #7, and I would like to get a new one for next season.
I sail primarily single handed on a lake shaped somewhat like a dog bone. It is 5 miles long and a mile wide; in the narrow center section it gets down to about 1/2 mile wide. There are steep hills on either side of the narrow section creating a wind channel which invites the use of the spinnaker. I like to sail to one end, set the kite and sail down the lake. Most of the time the spinnaker works really well. Since I like to use the spinnaker, it is hard for me to resist even when the wind is up and a bit off of a direct path down the lake. However, when the wind is not right down the channel; around 10-13 mph; and gusting higher I sometimes have trouble in the narrow section. I am probably sailing nearly as close to the wind as the spinnaker will allow. On the gust, I turn down to keep the boat on its feet . That could point me toward a very near shore. To douse the chute I need to turn further down wind which is more directly at the shore. At 8 to 10 mph you can go 1/4 mile pretty quickly. Currently in this situation, I luff the chute and sail to windward on the main to make room, and then dress the chute again. It is not very pretty.
The obvious solution is to not put up the chute unless the wind is right. However, I am looking for an answer that is more fun.
I see two options.
One option is to get a new spinnaker and continue with the way I am currently sailing the boat. I may need to be a bit more conservative about putting up the spinnaker if I cannot hold the boat as close to the wind as I can with my current one. A variation of this is to also get a top down furler so if I need to bail, I can take the spinnaker in more quickly. Since taking in the spinnaker sailing single handed is a bit of a challenge for me anyway (i do not have an automatic pilot), this could be a worthwhile improvement.
Option 2 is to get a code 0 headsail which will allow me to handle these conditions without all the drama and luffing, and continue to use my existing spinnakers when the wind is more ideal.
This seems like a long description, but if anyone has any comments or suggestions I would appreciate them. I am looking to order something this fall for next season.
Thanks for any thoughts or comments.
u20 #7