When traveling with the boat on the trailer, what is the recommended vertical placement of the keel?
1) Full down resting on the keel bunk - keel wedges and hoisting crank in place
2) Partial down resting on the keel bunk, but not all the weight - keel wedges and hoisting crank in place
3) Full up not on the keel bunk at all - keel wedges and hoisting crank in place
All three of my options include the keel wedges and hoisting crank in place as I assume this is recommended.
I am asking because with the keel in the full down position and no tension on the hoisting line, the keel bunk flexes and nearly rests on the trailer axle. I am concerned that with the bunk this close to the axle hitting a bump in the road will transfer to the hit to the keel. We replaced the bunk this year with new pressure treated lumber of the correct size.
Honey Badger #124