Ultimate 20 North American Championships
Lodging and Resorts:
Best Western
(We have a block of rooms set aside for the Ultimate 20 fleet. Feel free to let them know when your call for a reservation.)
735 Wanapa Street
Cascade Locks, OR 97014
541 374-8777
Toll Free Reservations 800-595-7108
This will be the location of the U20 registration, sail measurements, fleet meeting and fleet dinner.
Columbia Gorge Riverside Lodge
(509) 427-5650
200 S W Cascade Ave
Stevenson, WA 98648
Nice lodge style rooms across the river from Cascade Locks. A 15 minute drive.
Bonneville Hot Springs Resort & Spa
1252 East Cascade Drive
North Bonneville, WA 98639
509 427-7767
Natural hot springs and a very nice hotel and spa. 20 minute drive
Skamania Lodge
1131 SW Skamania Lodge Way
Stevenson, WA 98648
Reservations: 800-221-7117
Very nice resort hotel and golf course.
Cascade Locks Marine Park map and camping details.
Map of the park, camping, marina and boat launch ramp. There is also a separate map regarding empty boat trailer parking, launching and marina locations on the main web page. These camp sites cannot be reserved and are first come/first serve.
Oregon State Parks and Campgrounds near Cascade Locks, Oregon.
Plenty of camping within 10 miles of Cascade Locks.